We love this gourmet recipe from Lauret at Ophelie’s Kitchen Book for a Rustic Pizza with red onion confit, goats cheese and rosemary. This is especially dedicated to our dear French friends! Read Lauret’s beautiful piece here and check out why she loves the Summer so much and why this recipe works for a late afternoon picnic with the kids in the beautiful wheat fields of France… accompanied by ‘a healthy salad, melon slices or other fruits’. 

We love it because it takes no time at all, is so simple and is ideal for baking with the 37cm Falcon bake pan. Lauret has chosen the bake pan in pigeon grey, available to purchase here

Why not try it out this weekend… 

Pizza rustic, red onion confit, goat cheese & rosemary

1 baking bread equivalent to a stick

Confit jar of onions 

½ goat buche

Some branches of fresh rosemary

Olive oil

Salt and pepper

Preheat oven to 200 ° C

Roll out the dough on a floured own plan &

Place it in a greased pan

Spread the onion chutney on the whole pulp, leaving 1cm edge

Place a few slices of goat cheese & rosemary branches on pizza, pour a little olive oil, salt and pepper.

Bake for about 20 minutes at 200 ° C