Kids Tea For Two
Kids Tea For Two
Kids Tea For Two
Kids Tea For Two
Kids Tea For Two
Kids Tea For Two
Kids Tea For Two
Kids Tea For Two
Kids Tea For Two
Kids Tea For Two
Kids Tea For Two
Kids Tea For Two
Kids Tea For Two
Kids Tea For Two

Kids Tea For Two


This 4 piece set containing 2 Small Trays and 2 Mini Mugs is perfect for kids drinks and snacks. Along with that, the cups could be used for baking muffins and the trays could be used to cook for one.

Colour: White with Blue rim


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Product Details

This set is available in our three core colours.

This set contains

2 Small Trays and 2 Mini Mugs

Small Trays are 19.5cm long, 12.5cm wide and 2.2cm in depth.

Mini Mugs are 6 cm tall and hold 150 ml.


Care & Use

  • Oven-safe up to 530F / 270C

  • Dishwasher

  • Freezer

  • Suitable for gas and electric hobs

  • Not safe for microwaves

  • Chemically safe

How can I clean my Falcon Enamelware?
Lemon juice can remove stains from Falcon enamelware products, such as tea stains on mugs. Soaking the products in warm soapy water will help remove baked on food, but avoid using abrasive sponges or brushes as this may scratch the surface. Coating your pans in a light layer of oil before cooking can help with cleaning after use. 

If my enamelware chips can I still use it?
Yes. Just like any other ceramic, the outer porcelain layer can chip if dropped, revealing the steel beneath it. When this happens the steel below naturally oxidises and the enamelware remains safe to use. Plus, in our opinion, it gains a little more character.

Shipping & Returns

Do you ship internationally?

Yes, we ship to most countries. Delivery costs are dependent on the country we are shipping to. You can read about delivery charges at

All our orders ship from our warehouse in the UK. Due to changes in regulation, all international orders are subject to customs and duty charges associated with the importation of the products; these costs, borne by the customer, will typically be recharged by the shipping company and are dependent on the importing country.

We offer free shipping on: All UK orders over £95.

Please allow up to 7 working days for delivery.

Please email us at if you have any international or wholesale enquiries.

How do I return my Falcon Enamelware?

We offer a full refund on items returned within 14 days of purchase. You will be responsible for shipping charges unless the items are damaged or incorrect.

If you want to return your purchase, please read our returns process at

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