This month and next in line in our ingredients campaign is the very hearty and versatile pomegranate. We’re looking to it for seasonal inspiration as it is deemed one of the healthiest fruits in the world. Check out the facts, uses and myths in our list below, and find out how to share your pictures and recipes with us too.

Botanical name: Punica granatum
A fruit bearing deciduous shrub, deriving its name from the latin words pomum granatum, meaning apple seeded. The distinctive pink to red leathery fruit comes into season from September to February in the northern hemisphere.  

Rich in antioxidants, the distinctive flavour of the fruit is sweet, bitter and woody.

Culinary use
Sweet and deep ruby red, it can be used to add a welcome crunch to cold dishes or enrich stews with sweet flavour. Use in salads, tagines, couscous, soups, possets and meringues.

Traditionally grown across Iran to the northern Himalayas, the fruit can now be found further afield having been introduced to the Americas in the 16th Century.

The pomegranate and Ancient Greece
The pomegranate played a significant part in greek mythology. The Ancient Greeks believed that Persephone, the greek goddess of Spring was offered pomegranate seeds by Hades whilst trapped in his underworld domain. The rule of the gods stated that that those who consumed the food of the underworld were to be placed under the domain of Hades. Persephone, unaware of this consumed 6 pomegranate seed offered to her. The gods were unable to break this ancient law so Zeus was forced to make a deal. As Persephone had only consumed 6 pomegranate seeds she was to spend 6 months of the year in the underworld Zeus argued, and Hades agreed. As Persephone descends into the underworld the plants begin to lose their leaves and colours, eventually becoming bare and lifeless. When Persephone returns to the earth’s surface the plants bloom into life for her return giving us our full range of seasons.

Share your inspiring pomegranate recipes with us by emailing along with a picture of your recipes using your Falcon Enamelware.